Reading: Atonement

Watching: Amélie. Another movie with Teddy Bear Abuse in it.

Moving: err

30 August 2002: People Just Aren't Wearing Enough Hats

Now soliciting opinions on dresses. I have shied from Coldwater Creek as being a haven for Matrons Who Run with the Wolves, but what the hell. I have the hips of one. So: there's a celidon tank dress and a longer print dress with lavender and sage. The first thing wrong with the latter is the pairing of the flimsy faux shell buttons. Is the pairing supposed to be ornamental? And if buttons are going to be shoddy, they should blend, not contrast. That gave me enough detachment to see that willow leaves and lavender flowers do not necessarily make a desirable print.

All I want is a denim skirt. I can't find it and deprivation has warped me.

Speaking of being warped, my brain hates me. It keeps feeding me "Borderline" because I heard a snippet of it in a store the other day. I'm trying to counter it with Aimee Mann's "Wise Up" but that's too sad to have enough teeth for Madonna.

The other day I was teasing Blake about being vain. He's not nearly as in love with his own image as Percy was, but he's certainly in love with himself. I realized that "You're So Vain (I Bet You Think This Song Is About You)" should be his theme song. If I could find a concert recording of it (since he loves applause, whistling, etc.), it would be. I believe I've already said that he is like the Humbug in how he absorbs adulation.

Here on the bedroom's east windowsill, he gets distracted from the cherry tree by his itchy beak. If he wants to gnaw on his foot, he can just bring his foot up to his mouth, but if he wants to scratch his head and beak, he has to lift his leg over his wing. He's balanced on his left foot. You can see a racing-striped wing feather below and behind the paler, slightly yellower bloomer fluff: the drumstick is over the wing.


sage hatI wore my sage straw hat, since People Aren't Wearing Enough Hats. When I got home I threw it on the table. Then both RDC and I thought Blake was all lustful because the legs of RDC's zip shorts were over the back of a chair. I tossed them into the bedroom, but no improvement. Yes, Blake's in love with my hat. I think he's already eyeing it in this picture. Oh, and that's my new watch.

It must be September. August 30th, close enough. This is why we vacation in September, so that Blake goes to camp at the peak of his hormones.


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Last modified 12 September 2002

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