Reading: Middlemarch and Theater Shoes

Listening: How Green Was My Valley. And I did walk to work yesterday, and back too.

Watching: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Moving: 30' NT, 3.1 miles, 400 calories. A bad workout, but

13 August 2002: Buffy

"The girl makes Godot look punctual." Buffy would not make such a joke. If she had Becket in high school English, she wouldn't remember it.

Also I'm upset, because Tivo is not faithfully recording Buffy. The show's supposed to come on twice a day, afternoon and the same one again the next morning. I record the morning one, because the later time is from 5 to 6 and we record ABC News at 5:30. Friday I had a long day after very little sleep and after work watched (without Nordic Tracking) both "Consequences" (from the morning) and the first half of "Doppelgangerland" before the news. And it's a good thing I did, because Tivo gave me no Buffy yesterday or today. This afternoon I manually recorded what Tivo said would be "Doppelgangerland" but is (I think) "Enemies" instead. Which means I missed from this morning the second half of "Doppelgangerland," which might have been a non-conspiracy one but had Willow as a vampire, and what could be better than that? Only as a vampire does she stop being the band geek.

14 August: again, no Buffy from this morning. I didn't check this until well after 5:00, so I missed the first half of "Eavesdropping."

Holy shit. No wonder "Eavesdropping" wasn't broadcast in April 1999 as it was scheduled to be.

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Last modified 13 August 2002

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