Reading: Invisible Man

Not yet given up on: John Milton, Paradise Lost

On deck: ; Don Quijote

Moving: skied three hours, hard

31 March 2002: Animals

New squirrels have discovered the warm spot that the flattened squirrel no longer can enjoy.


My mother-in-law got a new boxer puppy. I am not jealous. Not me. Not of that soft black muzzle, not of those big paws, not of the steady determindedness (better than determination) to learn to climb the stairs.


Today was so warm that all the animals were out, including the shy elusive okapi, with which I managed to fall violently in love before ever seeing in the flesh. The rich red brown coat, the black and white stripes, the soft black muzzle (just like the puppy's), the giraffe-like horns, the big ears.

Note: this is in the zoo. Denver's not cool enough to have okapis roaming the streets.

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Last modified 1 April 2002

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