Reading: Margaret Drabble, The Radiant Way

Moving: rode 5.4 miles; scrubbed south side of house


Listening: AFI's 100 Most Thrilling Movies. I miss "The Magnificent Seven" and "The Dirty Dozen." Those and "Hang 'Em High" were my favorite westerns as a child. I love the television show "Big Valley" too--I knew Barbara Stanwyck from that and "The Thorn Birds."

12 June 2001: Manic

Kymm just wrote asking if I was dead and if so for details. I am quite used to writing snippets of this and that and I miss writing about an actual paragraph-length (or, gasp, longer) subject.

Thus, today's snippets:

  • I have "Modern Love" in my head. Source? I know not. It appeared as I returned to the office from lunch. I didn't hear it in Rite-Aid. I walked by the Hard Rock Cafe'. Maybe there.
  • I am an erratic in Denver for many reasons, or an anomaly. Someone posted a Broncos calendar over the printer which I have, so far this year, not bothered to glance at. Today, waiting for something to print, I did. Every month has a photograph of a game and lists the teams. Each month (far from ignoring it, I now had to remove it to ensure my superiority) is "Broncos verses X." Of course, I only just today corrected a December 2000 entry in which I referred to my foxy brainines [sic], so I should shut up. But I won't.
  • I don't understand why people segregate their M&Ms into color groups. In person, I would querulously wonder if such folks might be racist, but online, I worry about making such a crack, so I won't.
  • Not that I am eating M&Ms. No no no.
  • But if I were, I would sort them into groups of six, brown red orange yellow green blue, and eat them by group, as is right and proper.
  • "The Simpsons" introduced "embiggen" to my idiolect. Climing Tree help me but I really like "misunderestimate" too.

Today I

  • washed the south trim, mourning the jackass who removed the hinges from the outer two dining room windows and did whatever to the two flanking the mantel in the living room such that they don't open either;
  • found tapes at Rite-Aid but didn't film the house because it's cloudy and I do wonder whether I'll be able to hook up the camera to my mother's television without her freaking that I'm breaking everything in sight;
  • realized there is plenty of buddy chow and I don't have to make any until I return;
  • since I didn't have to grocery shop either, postponed my trip to Home Despot until tomorrow when I won't swim because it's supposed to be cold (TSP from HD, OJ from Wild Oats, buddy treats for Blake from Petsmart) and
  • did some laundry.

All I have to do is the east trim and panic on Thursday, and I'm done. Wheee.

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Last modified 21 June 2001

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