Reading: Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

Moving: walking

Listening: Crash

Watching: "Much Ado about Nothing" and last night "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"


27 January 2001: WOW

Do I like martial arts movies? Aside from the occasional nostalgia about the midnight shows on channel 20 that I watched with SEM purely and solely because I was watching them with SEM, and perhaps with the shameful exception of the occasional Jean Claude van Damme movie because golly is he ever bendy and buff, no.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" blows that assertion from the water as surely as did The Blue Sword smash my pretension that "Oh, I don't read sf."

And does anyone know both? Columbine, did anything strike you about the desert scenes?

Friday after work, my new coworker (who needs an alias), Haitch, and I ate at Watercourse Foods and went to the Mayan. Predictably, I ate pasta with some form of eggplant and mushroom and cheese at Watercourse, and was it ever delicious, and a Lindt chocolate bar with raspberry at the Mayan.

We arrived late enough that to sit three together we had to be up close, which was just fine with me. The whole movie is stunningly beautiful. I have two very minor complaints: one, why not subtitle the words on screen as well? I would love to know what characters someone marked in sand, and why the woman's name looked so much like "sword." Two, someone should have warned me to skip out of the credits before the completely out of place and jarring Celine Dion-type song started. Otherwise, great story, amazing stunts, beautiful beautiful beautiful people and scenery and a pond I want to live in.

And since at least one bit of it reminded me of Harry and her training, all the better.

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Last modified 30 January 2001

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