What's the deal with my eye? Am I going to have a stroke?

Reading: Go Tell It on the Mountain and The Sparrow, maybe

Moving: 46 minutes: 5.3 miles

Watching: 15' of "It's All True"

Listening: Pearl Jam's Ten

9 January 2001: Qu'est-que c'est

I saw part of a documentary called "It's All True" about the making of an Orson Welles' movie by the same name, three Brazilian stories. I would have watched more (Portugese is much easier to understand than Spanish: why?) but it wasn't charging me properly for exercise so I reverted to my usual angry music.

Welles cinematized The Magnificent Ambersons. The studio hated it, chopped out 45 minutes, and gave it a happy ending. It's one of the books on the MLA list, which reminds me:

  • Beryl Bainbridge, The Bottle Factory Outing
  • James Baldwin, Go Tell It on the Mountai

I have nothing to tell.

When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed
Say something once, why say it again?

Is the Cynthia Voigt line I want in On Fortune's Wheel or The Wings of a Falcon? The latter: puppets. The one puppet leaning from the stage to whisper, "I have something to tell."

Later: apparently, nothing wrong with my eye that a shower, dinner, comfy bathrobe, and buddy can't solve.

The right photo is him singing into my hand. I think cupping my hand somehow makes for good acoustics, like the Shell on the Esplanade in Boston. Or it could be just the make-shift cave effect.

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Last modified 13 January 2001

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