7 January 1998: Contentment

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Last night the leasing office called to say there are a few two-bedroom places opening and today I have an appointment to look at them. I have to check for decent kitchen appliances and I want to make sure the apartments don't look out over the parking lot or worse. Or the tennis courts, with their ten-times-brighter-than-the-sun illumination. Why the suckers couldn't have, say, an on/off switch with a motion detector, I don't know; who places tennis after midnight? No one, I hope.

"Space-suh" is the way a leopard pronounced "space" in an ad I saw about zoos.* I must have seen the announcement more than once, considering how well I remember it, but not often and not for years. It was a claymation piece about how zoological parks arranged strictly for human enjoyment are cruel. Perhaps the sponsor thought any zoo was cruel, which for the individual might be true but for the species, a saving grace. A human hand holding a microphone interviewed different critters. There were turtles, and a family of polar bears in which the sister held her fingers up behind her brother's head like antennae, and other animals all of whom spoke of how misguidedly kind they thought the humans were trying to be but how they didn't like to be looked at, or the food was off, or they missed the sunset, and so on. Then there was a leopard or panther lounging on a branch who said these accommodations were very nice and he appreciated the hospitality but what he really wanted was "space-suh." I think he was mean to have a Spanish accent, since he was South American? Maybe just a panther accent: English pro'ly isn't a cat's native language.

* 040913: "Creature Comforts"

treeJack Lalanne and Joel Fleischmann and Angela Chase

Then home to the Nordic Track, "Northern Exposure," and "My So-Called Life," which last is my new television weakness, bred from post-Thanksgiving Friday when normal people went Christmas shopping and walked off their turkey and selected their Christmas tree but which, this year, RDC and I spent watching a "My So-Called Life" marathon on MTV because we had bonked. Since then MTV has played the series daily, and I want to see the alpha and omega episodes, being excessively familiar with the middle ones.

tree"Without going over..."

I just went grocery shopping in my coworker's office. Not really shopping, because I didn't buy anything; actually it was more like the game show "The Price is Right," except that no one play to do any stupid games. Dot Org just finished a project partly funded by a huge conglomerate, and one of its many thumbs is in the food industry pie. So the author of the project received a huge box full of foods and we all divvied it up. 84 Charing Cross Road it wasn't, since this isn't post-war, strictly-rationed England and no one doled out canned hams, but still. You just know I'm not going to use the baking chocolate for baking, because it's semi-sweet. I buy unsweetened for baking, so that I have it for baking; semi-sweet is for sneaking out of the cupboard. A box of Altoids for RDC. And, really scary processed foods that we almost never buy: a mix for a pasta salad, of the sort if not the brand we took camping with us (most were successful, but it seems I will always hate macaroni and cheese, even if I now like pasta and cheddar in other forms), and a can of flavored parmesan. Any cheese that doesn't need to be refrigerated or at least chilled pro'ly doesn't really need to be eaten. But anyway, just the oddity amused me.

Last I checked (well before the coworker put the remnants in the lunchroom for the vultures), no one had taken the mango-flavored Tang or any of the three flavored no-fridge cheese spreads. I bet nothing lasts the night in the lunchroom though.

treeInternal jukebox

Earlier this afternoon walking by Jen's cube I said simply, "Addams Family theme." I tell her my internal jukebox selection occasionally.

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Last modified 9 January 1998

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