Friday, 21 October 2005

game night

The invitation said, "Play games. Drink something. Mock non-attendees. Eat"; also that dogs and nursing babies were welcome but men should stay home with the cats. I reneged on that last when I had a cancellation on each Thursday and Friday and Kal said that Neal wanted to come. I am not sure but I do think having even just one man changed the dynamic. I made Boboli pizza, one pesto cheese and tomato and the other tomato sauce, cheese, and pepperoni; I had (boughten) chocolate chip cookies; I made sweet potato crack with both sweet potatoes and yams; I served sliced mango; there were two bags of chips. Other contributions were a strawberry cake, more chips, and chocolate chip bars far superior to the CostCo cookies. So the food was covered.

We didn't mock any non-attendees, and only a few people drank a few beers while most stuck to water (thank goodness: it never runs out), and the newbies voted for Pictionary so Pictionary it was.


While listening to Lolita I am reading Alfred Appel's Annotated Lolita. I have come up with my second dissertation in English literature: the annotated Pale Fire.