Sunday, 13 March 2005

lovely day

I broke in the new KitchenAid mixer by making my beloved chocolate ginger cookies. While the dough chilled, Kal and I walk to the Botanic Gardens and looked at orchids, whose aesthetic appeal I can now appreciate though not anyone's drive to cultivate them. We walked around the gardens, walked home fetching "Anne of Green Gables" on the way, ate leftover broccoli-tomato tart for lunch and watched the movie, made cookies and watched the movie. She and RDC and I had Japanese for dinner and then we (minus RDC) watched the second half, and somehow by the end of it I had a few Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little Women, and Hans Christian Andersen around me.

It was a lovely day, and no one was in the gardens because of the four whole inches of snow.