Thursday, 19 June 2003

harold's smile

If nothing else the Addams Family movies were well cast, and Wednesday's slow smile at camp has always struck me as one of the best and scariest smiles in moviedom.

I'm watching "Harold and Maude" for the 90th time and it's clearly been too long--maybe only once or twice since Haitch gave it to me for my birthday in 1997? 1998?

Because when Harold smiles after Candy runs screaming is indisputably the best movie smile, scary or not, ever.

Also, "They're my species." Also, "So I'll always know where it is." Also, "Go and love some more."

Sometime during college--it must have been in college because my father was living in the house again and he subscribed to cable with HBO--"Harold and Maude" came on a pay channel one later afternoon and I began to watch it (again). Eventually both of my parents joined me, and though I don't understand how anyone can begin watching a movie for the first time elsewhere than from the beginning, I was much more pleased that it captured their attention. The computer dates amused my father most and the staged deaths amused my mother not at all. But they were both captivated, and I was so grateful and relieved. I have always since used "Harold and Maude" as a gauge. If you prefer cats to dogs, we can maybe talk. If you don't like "Harold and Maude" you have no soul.

We just got it on DVD, which has two theatrical trailers as special features. The first one has a collage of shots with "If You Want to Sing Out"; the second gives the whole damn thing away. And neither features That Trailer Voice saying "In a world..."

not quite struck by lightning

Two 3.8-mile rides, with enough thunder and lightning that evening lap swim was canceled. Tomorrow summer is supposed to arrive, right on time, and with it dryness so hopefully fewer canceled swims.