Monday, 7 April 2003


Blake is hopping from knee to knee on RDC's lap, bobbing excitedly because he (the verb will clarify the antecedent) is reading "Tinturn Abbey." (Blake loves for RDC to read aloud.) I am agog at this.

Guess where we might go this summer.

not at all on the weekend, no

Precor Elliptical, 20' @ 20/20 incline and 13/20 resistance. People who won't clear off after 20' when people are waiting (and the whole place is mirrored, you can see the line from any machine) continue to pis me off.

Weighted seated calf raises, 2x30 and 1x40 @ 90. Probably not enough lift. What the hell.
Leg presses, 3x12 @140. I haven't been doing weights (d'ya guess?)
Leg curls, 3x12 @ 70. Or maybe x10. I was impressed I could do so many before my knee hurt.
Hack squats, 3x5 @125. Five. I suck.
Leg extensions, 3x12 @ 70.

Lat pull downs, 3x15 @80. My lats are better.
Seated row, 3x15 @~75
Some other back machine.