Saturday, 29 March 2003

long enough to matter

Precor elliptical, 30' @ 20/20 incline and 13/20 resistance

I wanted to do 45' but at minute 29, someone began to wait for the several machines and a second person had joined him before 30'. I made him wait the minute and felt all self-righteous about the women next to me, who was at 39' but didn't leave.

Lat pull-down, 3x10 @ 80. I finally went up 10 pounds. From this machine I could see the 39'+-woman and the line of people waiting. She finally left during my
Tricep rope pull-downs, 3x10 @ 50--fifty instead of thirty because I was on the inside of the cage with two pulleys instead of one. I think.
Assisted pull-ups, 3x10 @ 40 (110 pounds of assistance)
Tricep arm extensions, 3x10 @ 50
Back extensions, 3x25

Precor elliptical, 15' @ 20/20 incline and 12/20 resistance

My strides per minute averaged over 125 the first time; in the second stint I didn't push myself past 110. The assisted pull-ups really beat me down.

But anyway, a good solid work-out for the first time in what, three weeks?