Forks and the Man

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For tedious reasons, poor RRP was set up. It sounds like something that would happen to a stool pigeon, doesn't it? Set up with a man, if "man" be a term loosely defined. On the phone before they met, he asked her what she would like to do on their evening out. And she told him that if he really wanted to know what she wished, then she would like for him to make dinner for her at his place. He agreed, and later told with he would make her chicken cacciatore with noodles (so we were already giggling). At his house, among many many much more awful things, he asked her, as he set the table, if she wanted a short- or a long-pronged fork with her main course. The man was in his late 20s, as was she. I would like to tell the full story, but I should get her permission first.

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Last modified 23 November 1997

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