Screenings, Spring 1998

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IMax challenges the viewer not to spew. There's OmniMax now also, which is probably as close as we yet have to Brave New World's "feelies." I suppose I wanted more about the expeditions in Into Thin Air, but that was not this movie's purposes

Mouse Hunt
In a silly kid's movie, the cussing surprised me. I liked this okay. It wasn't as cute as "Babe" or as funny, but for diversion as I sorted six years of negatives, it was worth having on the screen.

Pride and Prejudice
If you guessed that RDC was away and I rented a lot of flicks he would have either disdained or ignored (but not without griping), you'd be right. This is the best of the three cinematizations I have seen (the one with Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier is so inaccurate and Garson so annoying that I am continually reminded that Olivier played Heathcliff too, which ruins the effect). A drizzly Saturday, another Project Day. This time I assembled my scrapbook and sorted a half-year's worth of letters.

St. Elmo's Fire
One line, and one line only: "I just wish everything could be the way it was! With all of us still friends." This movie is better for the story of the first time I saw it than for the film itself. Also it was worthwhile this time because Marietta and I saw it together.

yellow dot Margaret's Museum
Excellent movie. As CLH hoped, Helena Bonham Carter finally has more going for her than her hair.
16 June 1998

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Last modified 29 July 1998

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