Thursday, 9 November 2006


Lo these many years ago a friend and I had a mock argument about which form of toast was superior: peanut butter or cinnamon. The difficulty for me in this is that toast is not only automatically buttered (including pre-peanut butter toast) but also two slices. It took me a while to embrace the heresy of two different types in one serving.

Once I got over that, applied taste-testing demonstrated that in most circumstances, peanut-butter toast is superior to cinnamon.

And it's a good thing that peanut butter gets toast, because mint is unquestionably the superior complement to chocolate. I know this because it's the time of year again for mint Hershey's Kisses and for peppermint bark. This year I think I might try to make peppermint bark on my very own.

Also I want to have a cookie-baking party this year. I need some new blood in my stable of cookie recipies and someone a little less slipshod to guide actual baking and then decoration, preferably also several ratchets less chocolate-rabid than I to suggest variety.