Sunday, 29 October 2006

beading and my back

I spent all of Sunday sitting very carefully propped on the couch in the den. I have no idea what I did except to move Crimson (baby sister to Scarlet, daughters of Begonia) from one side of me to the other while we were seated in an armchair at Saturday's party. And she is what, three? Not heavy, though weighing more than the fairy she was dressed as. RDC left the party to run errands and go to the gym, but my idea was to go for a run under the beautiful sky when I got home. Walking home I did notice that the path describing the park's perimeter was a quagmire of melting snow, but it was my back, which I noticed when I got home, that kept me housebound. I don't believe my resident back expert that stretching and massage are bad for muscle strain--for vertebrae and discs, maybe, but surely not for muscle. But neither is sitting in an armchair reading Shiloh letting whatever noninjury I hadn't noticed yet harden a good idea: I didn't stretch it out when it happened and after hardening didn't want to later, and of backrub I got none. Sunday morning I was worse, actually spasming, and this is the first time a night's sleep hasn't fixed me.

My distractions: My So-Called Life in the DVD player. Brainiac and several issues of The Nation. Bills to open and lots of filing to file, at which point I wished I had put in contact lenses so I wouldn't have to bend my neck to look at bills and check stubs and so forth and match them to their folders. The funnest distraction was, of course, beading.

I finished the innards of the As, R, and O and affixed them to their stockings, and that is regular and basic. But Jessie's been making earrings and that reminded me of how much I liked making stuff, even of, as my sister says, glue-shit-on-shit quality, and when I was recently in a craft supply store, I was pleased to see its enlarged bead section. So I broke free of regular and basic to make a pair of earrings with my new playthings.

Beading and sewing letters on stockings made oodles of sense when I had to hold my work on my lap and looked mostly straight ahead rather than bending my head to look down. But I got through the day, which was lovely. This might be my favorite day of the year, the day that stupid Daylight Saving Time goes away and time goes back to normal. It's always a long and satisfying day.

(Also, I am so very glad I violated my own rule and put the storms up two weeks early. It has snowed twice between then and now, the usual time, and balancing off a ladder with large panes of glass in fragile sashes was not going to happen today.)