Friday, 20 October 2006


I ran slightly more than three miles in about 34 minutes, according to the times of the songs I listened to (Afro-Celt Sound System, Morphine, Pearl Jam, the usual). Where I felt it, in addition to my knees, was my poochy belly.

Going to PT later in the afternoon, I winced trotting down the four flights of stairs to leave Dot Org and climbing the single flight to the PT office with my bike on my shoulder made me flinch again. The therapist, Carla, had me run on the treadmill, and observed something about a high Q angle: I run knock-kneed. Apparently it is possible to run with your feet straight but your knees knocked, which is nothing I wanted to know. And this is possible with my outward-facing kneecaps. But then! She taped my knees, which is nothing she had done before. Soft tape first, to protect the skin against the next, extra-strength layer, which hauled my kneecaps inward toward their proper alignment. I ran again, and very little pain! I ran the steps up and down, and no pain! It was grand.

I am still meant to strengthen the VMOs and keep loosening the IT bands because tape is not a long-term solution. I have to work, in other words.

all the king's men, audio

It is remarkable to me how different a book can be in print and in audio. I loved Robert Penn Warren's Pulitzer-winner in print, and I loved it again in audio, maybe more for the audio this time.