Sunday, 17 September 2006

in her shoes

Mm, maybe because a movie is only two hours of my life and a 300-page book takes longer, but I thought the movie did a much better job with the author's concept than the author (Jennifer Weiner) did. Also I could write the same sort of thing about UConn that she did about Princeton, and it would read the same: like someone whose college reminiscences don't make for fine literature.

another weekend of parties

An early Hallowe'en party last night. I stole an idea from last weekend's '80s party: I was a Robert Palmer chick, since I had the dress, stockings, and heels; and because it was a Hallowe'en party, I was a dead one. A Robert Palmer chick already has the deathly pallor, so in addition to the thick red lipstick and nailpolish I added three drops of blood down my chin. I bought press-ons because my actual nails are not stupidly long and I painted them and walked away: this is how I am applying nailpolish from now on, when my nails are off my fingers. Also I wore false eyelashes. That's three nights of makeup in three weeks, though costume makeup isn't so bad.

RDC wavered about whether he was going to go such that by Saturday noon he didn't have a lot of costume options. I reminded him of the Cat-in-the-Hat hat we bought at a Dead show circa 1993. He considered this, and decided to add tire tracks so he could be Roadkill Cat-in-the-Hat. I drew whiskers on his face and blackened the tip of his nose, and pinned to his black turtleneck and pants the red velvet bow-tie and black velvet tail I made for the hat's first year.

This morning I went to Stick's second birthday party, at the gorilla playground in the park. We had bagels and fruit salad and breakfast burritos and cake and dug with toy trucks in the wood-chip surface of the playground. I think only the adults swung on the swings, though. Today is beautiful, all blue and green with autumnal touches of yellow. A perfect day for a party in the park.

I went to two parties this weekend, only half the number I was invited to. I don't even recognize myself, and not just because of make-up. It's a good change.