Sunday, 27 August 2006

block party

I managed banana bread and chocolate-zucchini bread for the block party. It was really nice, especially since in the past year I've spent so much time on the next street over. Even during the party, Drums came over to borrow one tool or another, and Stick's father walked Stick and the dog past and he showed off the new stroller--that's right, J admitted that the one new thing they would like is a double stroller, so that was our group gift. Dodger the dog kept snapping at yellowjackets and eventually caught one, poor thing. Later in the day I had Stella over one leg and Rosie on the other. Stella I love, a golden retriever, but Rosie, a six-month-old black Lab, was new to me. She rented Dodger's downstairs apartment. The people too, course, but though we spent hours with them I'm not quite at alias level. Oh, and since we were only two houses down we occasionally heard Blake yell when he happened to hear one of us. I fetched him and set his cage on the porch wall, where he immediately got happy and only sweetly chatty rather than frustratedly yelly, even though he was still inside his cage, and we stood in the front yard rather than closer to him, and the presence of dogs.

Another four hours there and I was tired again. I came home at 7 but RDC was there until after I was in bed: we do have great neighbors.