Friday, 21 July 2006


Two 3.7-mile city rides.

happy hour

I was unaccountably tired on Friday, no swim, and collapsed on a blanket on AEK's front lawn, where we idly threw balls for the dogs and drank mojitos (I had a mouthful of one but didn't like it). We watched the sunset in the clouds and I observed to Kal that my father says the only perfect view is of the sky over our heads. She responded, of course, "I imagine your father has been reading Dantë." She spent that rainy weekend up at the cabin, and even I watched only "Philadelphia Story" instead of also "Room with a View" and "Persuasion." Enough time has gone by for "Room" to have rejuvenated, and my next project is to suck "Persuasion" as dry as I have "Sense and Sensibility."