Saturday, 1 July 2006

lucky jim

I can see why this was so shockingly funny when it first came out. It was still funny in bits, and perhaps Douglas Adams owes Kingsley Amis a turn of phrase.

good party

A good party is dancing "Ring Around a Rosie" with two-year-olds and a few hours later talking about sex toys with Scarf, London, and Wolfman. It is turning Monkey into a murcielago, and Blake bowing when a little boy shows him various sticks, and petting a good pile of squirrel-deterrent off Mia, and showing a little girl where to pick the first zucchini of the season, and admiring Maven's great new haircut, and being spared too much "Ring Around a Rosie" when the littluns become much more interested in picking raspberries than in dancing. It is melodramatically singing and dancing to "Hotel California" with a Where the Wild Things Are puppet on one hand.