Saturday, 17 June 2006


5K in 32'30"; swim 1K

perfect weather

Instead of swimming another 1000 meters, I lay in the shallow water of the wide steps into the lap pool with my new book (The Quincunx) on the deck and read a chapter.

Lord, what a heavenly day. No hotter than 80 after a smidge of rain Friday night.

Home again, I attacked the baobab trees in the backyard--the cherry sprouts and insidious sumac--that had threatened to split my small planet asunder in the week of my absence. I discovered that two of the pumpkin hills I planted did sprout and removed their competition (cherry sprouts and bindweed), and I rubbed the needles off the branches of the Yule tree to add to the compost. (I donated only the trunk and major limbs to TreeCycle.)

Then I ate raspberries straight off the cane. Also I read on the porch swing for a spell.

all alone in the universe

Perhaps because I identify more with the theme of losing your best friend more than with the generalized angst of growing up, I preferred this to Lynne Rae Perkins's Newbery-winning Criss Cross. The drifting apart, the not understanding, yeah. Ow.