Tuesday, 28 February 2006

bike and yoga

Not only did I not get a speeding ticket today, I met a dog--half border collie, half husky, black and white with a plumey curled tail. Plus I met the Lab-Irish wolfhound cross again. Cars are evil.

Two 3.6-mile city rides.

It was nearly cockatiel murder for me to leave the house only a half-hour after I got home, but I did. I walked to the next street over with a bookgroup neighbor walking her dog, chatting about her dog and yoga and her being 16 weeks pregnant, stopped to talk with another neighbor (mother of Increase's birthday-mate*), and finally arrived chez AEK to go to yoga with her and her friend Ines.

Two hours, lots of balancing, lots of poses whose names I don't know. That doesn't mean much, because plank, table, swan, down dog, up dog, warrior, eagle, cobra, bridge, tree, salutation, warrior, devotional, child, and corpse (the latter three being my favorites) are about the extent of my repertoire, by which I mean only that I know, not necessarily can do, the pose. We did lotus and peacock feather pose and triangle. The instructor roused us from corpse with a low, faint gong or chime, but not before I joined the ranks of Those Who Sleep Aloud During Corpse Pose. Plus I loved how she described the stretches: "just until it feels delicious [or yummy]" and "open your armpit like a yawning mouth." Plus I love how yoga instruction is given, as if, yeah, I can move my pubic bone independently of my tailbone and consciously relax the flesh at the tip of my nose.

* Her and her wife's baby boy shares Increase's exact birthdate, so he is my Increase-surrogate the way a coworker's son, a day older than Emlet, is my Emlet-gauge (I don't see him enough for him to be a surrogate, but he gives me an idea of how tall Emlet is and what milestones she might be knocking over).