Monday, 14 November 2005


Precor elliptical, 15' @ 12/20 resistance and 20/20 incline.


Remembering how Emlet stretched and luxuriated in her bath at four months, I asked Haitch if Increase likes to bathe. She described his spa treatment--mud mask, pedicure, ear-candling--and said that yes, he likes his bath and just about everything except honey, haycorns, and thistles. She is reading him Winnie-the-Pooh and recognizing lisa-isms.

We each recently dreamed about the other--she must drive carefully today especially and I must not turn into a Gilmore Girl--and I must watch "Me and You and Everyone We Know" and she must read The Myth of You and Me and she laughed at my latest mother-story and if she keeps going to Connecticut for Thanksgiving then maybe I will too.

I miss my Haitch.