Sunday, 2 October 2005


Swim 1.6K. I really worked on kicking hard from the hips and pushing from the abs, and that wore me out.

Also I breathed every stroke and a half, because every other wasn't enough but every was too much. Every 1.5 stroke means that I keep straighter too. I pull harder on the right than the left anyway, and breathing left only means even greater imbalance. It works okay except that my right ear is not used to the underwater-overwater thing: it feels weird. It can't be experiencing anything different than the left ear does, though, so I must only get used to it.


Scarf suggested graphic novels for bookclub. "The Incredibles" stole from this a bit. It's not Maus and it's not Arkham Asylym. It's better than what I remember of the first volume of Sandman.