Thursday, 28 July 2005

buddy and bookclub

After work I scurried to the vet to fetch Blake from camp. He screamed leaving the boarding room, but as soon as we were out of the building he began to chatter, chastising me for abandonment and telling me about his time at camp. At home we had a little bit of headpetting, but he smelled like a kennel and I didn't have time to shower and dry him before bookclub. Is it being surrounded by several other birds or a cessation of preening while at camp that means he comes home stinky? I'm all about the buddy scent, but this is stank.

Anyway, bookclub was great. We all loved the book, even those of us who would never ever ever touch speculative fiction. I spoke of it in terms of Harry Potter, any one of which books falls apart upon too-close reading, because I think this would stand up to a scrutiny of its timeline and characterization that I, in hotel and plane, didn't care to give.