Monday, 25 July 2005

sfmoma, chinatown, limon

Saturday was the only unnecessarily hot day, which is good, because apparently Denver dropped to bearable on Sunday and if I had left hot for hot when my regular hot had cooled, my grumping would have been unprecedented. Sunday was lovely and Monday started out just as well.

We went to SF MOMA and looked through a Richard Tuttle exhibition, also at So LeWitt's Wall Drawing #232, Location of a Square, which I liked because it could be drawn only on this particular wall. On any other wall, the same geometrical measurements would have been inaccurate or altered. Also a Olefer Eliasson's Aerial River Series, a series of photographs, seven by six in a rectangle, of a river from mountains to sea.

Then off to Chinatown and to eat dim sum, and once we finally pinned PLT and STL to the mat about which of two evenings left we might descend upon them like locusts, to a Peruvian restaurant, Limón, for the most amazing meal ever. Plus service most excellent, the perfect complement to the food, and unexpected (though welcome) for such a casual setting. I don't need my table crumbed between courses or my napkin folded if I leave my seat, though those are fine things; to me, good service is inobtrusive and doesn't try to clear one diner's plate before the other has finished his. I had ceviche with Peruvian corn (the kernels much bigger than those off the cobs I'm accustomed to), some sec and some not. Also arrizos con mariscos. I forget what mariscos are. RDC had a Peruvian bouillabaise with succulent broth. For dessert, chocolatl bandido: a flourless chocolate cake with mango and strawberries.