Tuesday, 5 April 2005


In a forum I adulterate my Usual Suspects with, a journaler I keep half an eye on enthused about this book, which is by Steven Gould. Eh. It reminded a lot of Replay, another science fiction book, in that the dictates of the phenomenon bled the author of any ability to imbue his protagonist with humanity.

Even William Sleator in Singularity wrote a more believable reader than this jumper. The latter reads for information, and the library is his refuge, but he is never portrayed reading or being interested in books other than as physical possessions, and the only books whose contents he refers to by name are the two Gould drew from most heavily--an sf novel about teleportation whose title I didn't note, and Stephen King's Firestarter, for government interest in these talents.

Oh, and the other Replay thing: Jumper's aseptic dialogue and personalities had reminded me of it even before the Middle East element hurled itself anvil-like into play.