Sunday, 9 January 2005


We drove to a new-to-us cranny of Rocky Mountain National Park, Wild Basin, and snowshoed six or seven miles to Calypso Cascades. Afterward, we stopped in the Lyons Café for the first time, where we had most excellent Beefy Chili in sourdough bread bowls. Also near Lyons, we saw more wildlife than we did in the park: a stooping red-tailed hawk, several kestrels patiently waiting on power lines, and something on the way up that looked so big I assumed it was a Swainson's. But on the way home, we saw, quite clearly flying low over the road, a bald eagle, so the so-big thing might have been an eagle hiding its white under a...damn, that started out promising, but orange isn't the only English word without a rhyme.

It was a lovely trek, though pine and aspen forest, around erratic massifs, over bridges crossing mostly but not entirely frozen streams (the same stream, a few times).