Sunday, 5 December 2004


The gym has replaced several Precor ellipticals with Cybex "arc-trainers." The ellipticals with handles have your arms and legs move as they do when you run: when one knee is up, that elbow is back. The arc-trainers--I used one until one of the remaining two, damn, handle-less ellipticals came up--mean your arms and legs move in the opposite, unnatural way: knee up and arm forward at the same time. I don't get it. But I did 10' on that, then

Precor Elliptical, 45', 11/20 resistance, 20/20 incline, ~5410 strides. A lower average spm and total stride count than previous, but I haven't indulged in purposeful cardiovascular exercise in a month. Also--and this is big--I watched tv during it. Since Gym Foofy installed wee tv monitors on every cardio machine, I can always watch CNN, but the wee monitors don't display captions. I could maybe deal with just video and the scrolly thing, but at the time CNN was showing "People in the News," featuring Britney Spears. On another monitor, I glimpsed soccer, so I not only deliberately watched television but a televised sporting event: UCLA v. Notre Dame women; there was only one commercial interruption in three quarters of an hour. It was tied 1-1 when my time was up, and I see that Notre Dame won 4-3 in penalty kicks (I rooted for Notre Dame because they are the Fighting Irish).