Thursday, 18 November 2004

a confederacy of dunces

I first tried this some years ago and closed it after the first several pages. Or paragraphs. This time I persevered and it appealed to me more. Being me, I had to assume similarities between John Kennedy Toole and his mother and Ignatius J. Reilly and his mother.

Because of the Swift quote and for Ignatius's refusal to respond to any reality other than his own imagining, I expected a Don Quijote, but Toole's protagonist (and all the characters) are more original than that. I also tried to find some great Symbolism in the Scenicruiser and his inability to leave New Orleans until I recalled that he had gone to college.

For ten years. With graduate work in Medieval Studies. Ah-ha-ha.

And finally, a protagonist more thoroughly repellent than McTeague.