Monday, 18 October 2004


Two 3.6-mile city rides.

my kind of ratio

The reason for the frenetic housecleaning was not just fall or the two dinner guests on Saturday but RDC's conference this week, and his having his group work at (sadly, not on: they failed to remodel the bathroom or build the nook) the house today and tomorrow.

In the evening we all went to Mezcal, and I have to recommend being the only female in a table of 12. I was hardly fawned over, as if Satine dropping among a bunch of men smelling of teen spirit "Moulin Rouge", but it was fun. I continued my conversations with the Brit and the Canuck and had new ones with the Aussie, the Fiancé, and the Southie, who wasn't a Southie but if there's a name for Northies I don't know it. I can distinguish Rhode Island from Worcester from Southie, but Southie from that of the northern suburbs I cannot.