Monday, 14 June 2004

blister in the sun

We hung out with an Aspen friend, we explored trendy Potter Highlands, we wandered through the Botanic Gardens, we ate Cricket burgers, we shopped, we hung out under a tree in the park with books, we ate at Adega, we had a cook-out with her friends and ours, we hung out around the outdoor fire, we explored a street fair, we had more burgers and milkshakes too, and we had dinner with a couple of RDC's coworkers.

It was a good enough time that I have forgotten all our bons mots, which were plenteous.

prisoner of azkaban

Still with its Disney moments, probably nearly incomprehensible to anyone who hasn't read it (which is fine), better than the previous two, with one major problem: the fourth member of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs was never explained, nor the shape of the Expecto Patronum spell. Also, Alfonso Cuarón has watched a lot of Monty Python and Hitchcock and hasn't forgotten his "Wizard of Oz."

Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint still can't act their ways out of paper bags, though Emma Watson is coming along nicely. Michael Gambon is a much more vigorous and less cariacaturey Dumbledore. Despite the improvement in director, this is solely a plot movie.

And fun.