Wednesday, 26 May 2004


Two 3.8-mile city rides.

the outcasts of 19 schuyler place

E.L. Konigsburg has still got it. Unlike Madeliene L'Engle, who should have stopped some time before Many Waters, Konigsburg is still writing Newbery-level books with 30-year gaps. This isn't as good as View from Saturday, but it's good. I would like to know why it's a companion to Silent to the Bone, as its blurb says. It takes place in Epiphany, NY, as Saturday does, but I've read Silent only once and don't recall any characters in common, or themes particularly.

The good thing is that it will be a pleasure to reread Silent to the Bone looking for the companionability. I wouldn't reread Troubling a Star unless forced.

The Schuyler bit makes me happy in a Nobody's Fool kind of way, and James Howard Kunstler's Geography of Nowhere also concerns Sarasota Springs and the same kind of urban blight issues Outcasts does. I am fond of Konigsburg's overly but believably bright yet still engaging characters, her pacing, the carefully crafted structure and points of view.

RDC and I have had big lulls reading The Egypt Game, which thankfully can handle interruptions. He says I have not read him From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, a major omission on my part. That's next in line.