Monday, 5 January 2004

not just for hanging ironing on

Nordic Track: 20', 2.3 miles, while watching "Sex and the City." Much easier than going to the gym in January (not that I was battering the door down). Then some twists on the ball for my obliques.


I have two paintings of Granny's that I need to reframe. When my mother first offered them to me I should have noticed how cheesy the frames were, how integral they were not to the paintings and how easily the canvases lifted out.

The two have been sitting on the curb of my study since my mother sent them (with a jar of elderberry jelly on top), next to an 8x10 photograph of my mother and her husband that she also sent, maybe as a Christmas present. The red poppies will wind up in the sunroom, and the slender jug on the blue and olive background in the landing, when you look left on first entering the house.