Tuesday, 2 December 2003


Two 3.8-mile city rides


Either Blake's nutrition has gone out the window--a distinct possibility, since he's a carbohound like his mother and even his favorite vegetable (or most favored element of his twice-daily chow) is corn--or he's having a minor moult. A few contour feathers, a racing stripe on the windowsill, and, tonight's prize, his longest crest feather. He grows four, so he doesn't look scalped when he's shedding, as Percy, who grew only two, did. (Percy's crest feathers were brighter yellow and maybe longer, but Blake's crest is altogether fuller.)

Do you think he would tolerate a used basset hound?


Courtesy the web and the foolish folk at the Cazenovia Public Library in Cazenovia, New York, I have in my very paw a discarded-by-them but beloved-to-me copy of Anne H. White's Junket, which is a delightful story about a dog (even if only an Airedale), illustrated by Robert McCloskey. I love Junket.

Would a used basset hound be as charming?