Saturday, 29 November 2003

diarist awards


(You know, I don't say "dude" that much, my slang having petrified before that. I might be being sarcastically hyperbolic.)

I have never ever even merely wandered by, let alone read or even be familiar with, two of the three nominees for the legacy Diarist Awards. Emily has been writing since the dawn of time; her own formative years and the medium's have kept pace with each other. So there's no question of who I would vote for, but I am so far out of the loop.

And fine with that, but--one of three? Dude.

st. elmo's fire

Netflix is making it waaay to easy for me to indulge my less savory movie tastes. iTunes facilitates the '80s music; Netflix the movies (my mentioning "Heathers" a while ago? yeah).

So I've seen this movie once or twice. The first time I saw it was with Bill--not Billy from the roof, malheureusement. I hadn't read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas yet--I wouldn't meet Hobbit for another two weeks. The last time I saw it was with a woman I made slight temporary friends with when Judy Blume came to the Tattered Cover to sign Summer Sisters.

Somewhere in there I realized that Judd Nelson's character slept in a Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas tee-shirt. Of course rewatching movies is valuable: it's only this time that I realized Billy carries Fear and Loathing in his pocket.


It's not December, but it is after Thanksgiving, and therefore it begins. If I didn't have to ship anything, I would be ecstatic.

I mailed Emlet's package air, being ten days too late to trust surface. And a good thing, because when I talked to Nisou on Thanksgiving, she said the books I sent--in late September or early October--had just arrived. Those two were Frederick and an alphabet book of artistics masterworks. For Yule I gave Emlet books (Dandelion and A Baby Sister for Frances among them) and a puzzle and Not for Kids Only and some clothes and a bald eagle and a bison (American animals).

Envelopes are addressed and cards printed. Now comes the long period of procrastination in which not enough will be written.

I know what I want to give to this person and that person, so all there is to do is obtain and ship these things. I found the most beautiful book for ZBD. CLH and I are doing only stockings for each other this year, though I have a couple of other ideas. I need goofy stuff for our cousin, who is coming for Chick Weekend in December (she writes it "chic weekend," which I'm not sure is a joke or a misspelling).