Friday, 14 November 2003


Gw'on, guess: two 3.8-mile city rides.

Besides that it's a slurred utterance and not a word, how is that version of "go on" properly transcribed? It needs the w, though there's none is the phrase. Hm.


When I started at Hateful, my first assigned task was one of dubious taste (as were most of the very few I ever had): to write letters to everyone whom they hadn't hired for that position. Looking at the cover letters and résumés, because I hardly scrupled not to, to avert my eyes from all but name and address, I could only think "Well no wonder they hired me." It didn't say much for me in comparison to be be so clearly superior in verbal dexterity and even vocation.

We have some strong candidates and we have some interesting ones and we have some other ones. That's probably already saying too much.


Tragically, the webcam does not work with the new system. Otherwise I would show--would have shown last night, when it was fresh out of the chair and not slept on or twice helmeted--my haircut. It is...short. I can just, just, scrape it into a stubby pigtail. I showed RDC a picture of me from October 1991, a bit more than year into the growing (which officially started August 1990), and my hair was longer then than now. It cups my chin.

I don't think I'm the type to change hairstyles this often (twice in one year).

RDC said I looked like Amélie. CoolBoss and Intern, who knew why I was scarpering 20' early yesterday, liked it; and even Tex noticed.

He noticed and then he asked as if confirming, "And you colored it too?" Um, no. Dye is make-up. When I did the big chop in January, another coworker was convinced I had colored it, and I think she didn't believe me when I denied it. Tex I could show: I pulled it into its usual not-down-ness, and he saw how the color changed depending on whether it was loose or back.

The usual not-down-ness is out for the duration of this cut. I kind of like the swing at my jaw, but I don't like the blinder effect. It's not short hair over the ears but it is over the ear. It does tuck behind the ears, at least.

I am embracing the down.