Wednesday, 8 October 2003

lies and the lying liars who tell them

Al Franken points out several lies the right, politicians and mediafolk, has told. He points out how the media leapt on Gore for saying he'd been to a particular disaster site with James Lee Witt, when he had gone to other sites with Witt but to that one with a deputy. That does seem like a slip, rather than a deception. Later in the book he says that Cheney was either lying or blind or deliberately misleading when he spoke of how moved he is every time he flies over Arlington Cemetery and sees "crosses row upon row." Franken points out that Arlington stones have rounded tops and that perhaps Cheney was thinking of Coleville-sur-Mer (the cemetery in "Saving Private Ryan") or Flanders Field. I'm among the last to give Cheney the benefit of the doubt, but there's the possibility he was speaking metaphorically. It's a famous poem that even prosaic Cheney has probably read.