Saturday, 20 September 2003

men's wardrobe

I have accompanied RDC before on his semiannual expeditions for clothes but not this time and perhaps not again until I find an equivalent store for me, where the stock is stylish and high quality, where there are clothing and shoes, where a salesperson will assist you and a tailor fit you, yet you still have all your arms and legs when you leave.

Instead I sat across the street, on a patio under a tree, drinking coffee and petting dogs and reading Dostoyevsky. I did check on him once after my initial errand, a new bra. I found him with two saleswomen and a table covered with a new jacket, trousers, shirts. I really liked the jacket and said so, then left to him to what would have been, for me, wolves except that he is good at dealing with pushy salespeople and that, at that store, helping you is actually their job instead of an imposition.

I did have a salesperson fit me before I looked for the stupid harness. I felt like I couldn't breathe in the band size she assigned me, and speak not to me of demi-cup or push-up bras, which should be called push-out. I found another of the sort I like, in the size I say I am rather than that she thought I was (I say bigger band, smaller cup size). Dunno what happened to the previous one, probably nailed up over a bar somewhere.