Saturday, 30 August 2003


Yesterday a brief, intense rainstorm burst out just around 4, so if I hadn't been flexing I'd've been caught. It had cleared enough by 4:30 that I got wet only by my tires hurling puddles up at me. Because I take my bike into its native environment so often its big chunky treads are necessary.

Then last night it was cool in a pleasant kind of way and we were going to have supper outside. I went downstairs to do laundry and watch "Sex and the City" (so RDC wouldn't have to) and when I came up again, half an hour later, it was cold! Cold cold cold! I closed windows for to keep the heat in, not out. Wild.

Later in the evening rain began again, loud because I still haven't spread mulch on the groundcloth on the north side of the house (which laziness was, at first, a good thing, because walking on mulch would have pissed off the masons, but which is now because I haven't gone to Home Despot to buy edging--I have to dig 30' of edging in so the mulch doesn't wash into Their yard). It rained and rained and rained, and now it's 10 in the morning and still merely 56 degrees, and though the weather will of course warm up again, it is fall.

Also it's been overcast enough for the past two weeks that we haven't seen Mars.

back to the gym!

Precor Elliptical, 25', 12/20 resistance and 20/20 incline and two 2-pound handweights.

Then some weights. Some, as Baldrick would say, like "some beans."

Then ten laps of crawl. I don't remember if it's meters or yards, but it's 25 somethings long. So have a half k. RDC is swimming now too.