Friday, 6 June 2003


Last night I danced my beloved "I don't have to work tomorrow!" dance.

Today I am working in the sense of Getting Stuff Done, but not in the sense of For The Man. It's not 10 yet and I have started laundry and begun another batch of ginger-chocolate cookies (some for a hosueguest and some for an ill coworker) and have just sat down with a cup of tea that RDC made for me an hour again when I was knee-deep in cocoa and cinnamon.

The more I get done today, the less I have to do tomorrow, so the more time I can spend at the People's Fair. Which is kind of like the grand prize being a week in Cleveland, and the second being two weeks. Or however that Beckett line went. Was that Beckett? Whoever.


Precor Elliptical, 20' @ resistance 12/20 and incline 20/20.

Iso Lat Pull-down, 3x12 @90

Leg Presses, 3x12 @160: finally, more than my body weight

Seated Weight Calf Raises, 3x12 @60.

Lateral Raises, 3x12 @30. This is a weird one. There should exist a machine with more resistance at the beginning of the movement than at the end. And I move the weight with my forearms against the pads, but there are also handles, and I can lift more when I hold the handles. Unfortunately my wrist always winds up bent 90 degrees, and that can't be good.

Weighted back extensions, lots and lots @90.

what I got done

It really doesn't feel like much now, but I did get stuff done:

I vacuumed and swept upstairs, including under the rugs. Getting under the dining room rug is vital, because dirt--real, sandy dirt--sifts through rug and mat and accumulates around the perimeter. If I am not careful about that, that dirt will scar the floor. (The structural engineer said, upon entering the house, "Great floors!") I vacuumed the upholstery and dusted everything. Having the windows open means the windowsills are filthy and the dirt is black instead of the winter grey and brown.

I tidied up the entire basement. I'll have to take it all out when the work has to be done, but I'm glad to be tidied up and have everything back in place in the furnace room, the cool room, and the cave. And I cleaned the bathroom and the water closet (I call it the water closet because damn it, it is: a closet-sized space with a toilet in it), their semiannual acquaintance with cleanliness.

Then we went to a party.