Saturday, 31 May 2003

sink me!

Here, an exclamation. I went to the gym.

I didn't ask the clerk to tell me my last time, which I'm sure the monitor indicated. Some time in March, I figure. No, I went sporadically in April and as recently as 4 May.

Handled elliptical thingie, 20' level 12.

Lat pull down, 3x10 @ 120. How can that be right? I was using a Hammer Strength machine instead of a bar in the cage, but I haven't lifted weights at all for a month or seriously for longer than that. Am I confusing this with the high row? But I always could pull down more than I could row. Yard work and biking cannot have done that. But I am sure of my weights: I know there were two 45-pound disks to start and I added a single 25er to one side and two 10s and a five to the other.

High row, 3x10 @ 90. Or so.

Hack squats, 3x10 @ 130. This surprised me at the time, but not as much as the lat pull-down weight does. Can biking have helped that much? It's 10 pounds more than I could do a month ago.

Leg curls, 3x12 @ 50. That's gone down by 20 pounds, and that makes sense.

Weighted back extensions, to exhaustion at increasing weight, topping out over 100 pounds.

Shoulder presses, something like 25 pounds.

Then I swam .6K. This is the first year since I started I have not swum outside before my birthday. At least it was before June, though barely. It was inside, but not to swim is more sacrilegious than to swim inside. Even in an indoor pool without windows.

across five aprils

I tried to listen to Across Five Aprils while weight-lifting, but for a clumsily narrated audio book it's really affecting. Okay, it is about the Civil War, from a civilian point of view, based on the author's grandfather's boyhood, but it's not as if I don't know what happens. So in the gym I listened to stuff like "Express Yourself"--maybe that's why I could lift so much--and in the yard I listened to Irene Hunt, where I could cry when the names in the family Bible were read out, those with one date, and those with two.