Saturday, 24 May 2003


The Colfax bus makes for good anthropological research.

We were maybe two minutes late to meet Jared and Trish and I called Jared to tell him we were almost there. It was all very hip and now as, when RDC and I got to the top level of the Pavillions, there was Jared checking his messages.

Greetings were greeted and then Trish put a bag into my hands, wishing me a happy birthday. She gave me a penguin (and chocolate). Presents!

I recently learned that baby platypuses are called "puggles" and recently decided that baby penguins, being fuzzier than their parents and cuter, should be called puppies.

My penguin puppy is named Josephina because I am reading The Age of Napoleon and Josephina's is next door to the Market, where we ate.

Then we went to see "The Matrix Reloaded," about which too little cannot be said.


Remembering, I pounced on Trish: "Mo had a finger puppet of Beaker in her latest entry! I want one!"

Making me excessively happy, she told me they were at Starbucks.

We were in downtown Denver at the time, never more than two blocks from a Starbucks. I dragged her in, she pointed me in right direction, I snapped up the only Beaker in the bunch and removed the stripey stick of candy from his butt. Then I noticed there was someone already at the register. "Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting maybe just a little?" But I wasn't. I offered him the candy anyway, but he didn't want it; I gave it to Trish.

Despite its being my birthday weekend, I had to pay for Beaker. "Twenty-five?" inquired the non-customer I had non-interrupted. The cashier shook his head, "Now you're flirting."

The thing is though, since he was making friendly-like and obviously thought the mock guess of 25 was young for me, to the extent he thought he was flattering, he was actually insulting. But I am all about Owning My Age and he and the cashier, whose skate-boarding convo I had non-interrupted, were making friendly-like, and at least I don't look so decrepit as not to be worth flattering at all.

If that makes any sense.