Thursday, 15 May 2003


She looks exactly the same, except 15 months old and a toddler instead of four months old and an infant. She has about eight teeth, and more hair, which is truly golden and not blonde, and her eyes are blue not green, but she looks exactly the same. She looks like someone who likes to toddle here and there and decapitate chives especially when someone exclaims "Pop!" She loves Nana, who is a giraffe, and she loves to turn the pages of books (usually all of them at once). She is remarkably (I think) adept with her fork and spoon, and adores yogurt. She dropped her spoon, I thought because of slippery hands, and I retrieved and handed it to her; she made steady eye contact and quite deliberately dropped it again. I barked with laughter and Nisou shushed me: I shouldn't encourage her. Nisou knows when Emlet has woken up in the morning because she will pull out the accordion bear that plays Brahms's "Lullaby" as it contracts. She tells long stories that unfortunately I could not understand, as she is still learning to string syllables into words: "Lo lo lo lo lo" and "Bababababa."

She looks exactly the same and totally different, with a year's worth of learning inside her.