Wednesday, 30 April 2003

book of evidence

Wow. I began this, desultorily and the first two pages, a few days ago; since then I've pussyfooted around it knowing I wanted to give it a reasonable chunk of time. Today I gave it my lunch period, 30 whole minutes, wheeee, but still, that's plenty of time to be dazzled.

If I didn't get as far into it as I ought to have, I blame that on looking up ataraxic and balanic and battenberg and, I admit, probity and catamite too, just to make sure.

I was about to write, I wonder who got the Booker that year, because this is just great. Then I looked at its publication date: 1989. Possession won the 1990 Booker and Remains of the Day the 1989. Well okay then.

I took the 2 bus to downtown from Cherry Creek Friday instead of the usual 83. That was interesting, prettier because it went north on Downing instead of Lincoln, hairier because of much narrower streets. Point being that I exited the bus at Grant and went to Capitol Hill books again. I saw Oscar and Lucinda (1988 Booker) with the Vintage mark and got all happy, but it had the movie cover anyway. Bleah.