Monday, 3 March 2003

what next?

I finished The Gospel According to Jesus Christ and now I'm somewhat at a loss of What Next. The Home Despot Kitchen and Bath Remodel Book doesn't count. Right now I have Donna Tartt's Little Friend ready to go in my bag but I have lost some of my urgency about that. I guess I should have read it immediately, but I flew twice in the weeks after and it's large for a plane book. I also have Postmodernism for Beginners in my gym bag, because it's slim and easily interruptable.

I'm listening to David Denby?'s Great Books, about his experience taking Columbia's literature and humanities core classes again, 30 years after the first go. It's abridged, but it was RDC's last month's choice, and it's read by Ed Asner, which makes the narrator sound to me like he's 78 instead of 48.

Right now on my bedtable are Mary Anne Mohanraj, Torn Shapes of Desire; Mark Danielewski, House of Leaves; Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose; Paradise fucking Lost; Don Quijote, ditto; the King James Bible (Cambridge UP); Isabel Allende, Daughter of Fortune, which I am frankly not overly interested in; and Zadie Smith's White Teeth.

I have gorged on Great Yet Accessible recently--Byatt, Chabon, Saramago--yet I still am intimidated by Great--Milton and Cervantes--while fearing that purely accessible--Zadie Smith--will disappoint me, as James M. Cain just did.

third attempt. also furniture

beforeI don't know what I did differently with the sponge this time but yesterday I made bread that's not even "bread" but actual bread. I am quite pleased. I went home at lunch to cast a dragony eye over my new stuff and have a sandwich on this bread.

afterFrom October of 2001 to March 2003. Paint and stuff, yep. I know we still need artwork on the walls and coasters on the table and vases on the bookcase and so forth, not least books in the bookcase. Having a whole new drawered piece of furniture that's not in the bedroom makes me think of Laura Ingalls-now-Wilder looking at the house Almanzo built for her, at the pantry with its shelves and drawers and the space for the butter churner and other things, as they should arrive. But I do think I might use those two big drawers for linen, since we have almost no linen storage. The little drawers will be for my camera and webcam and Palm Pilot synching thingie, since I don't use my study as much as I ought.

(Okay. Not that I would admit having anything to do with "Coming to America," but Samuel L. Jackson holds up a restaurant in it. I prefer his restaurant job in "Pulp Fiction.")

The new chair is excessively comfortable.

only weights

For the first time, I did only weights and no cardio at all. I did legs.
Hack squats, 3x15 @115 (up by five whole pounds)
Single leg press, 3x15 @75 (up by five whole pounds!)
Donkey presses, whatever the hell those are.
Prone leg curls, 3x15 @50 (either it was too little weight and the curl was too easy, or it was too much and I couldn't bend my leg fully. I have to work on that.)
Ball squats and standing lunges, not many, intending to do more in front of "Six Feet Under" tonight. Gang aft awry.
Calf raises, 75 per leg
Seated weighted calf raises, 3x15+ @55 (up by ten)
Standing weighted calf raises, 3x15 @ 50.

I haven't been keeping good track of my weights. Obviously. I need to enter everything in a spreadsheet again and then maybe refer to it once in a while. I also need to make up better workout playlists for Dandelion. I also need to go to bed.