Monday, 24 February 2003

universe in a nutshell

Burble burble burble. I am not sure my comprehension of this book would decrease if it were narrated by Hawking himself. Usually I would read-read such weighty matters, and read and reread and rereread certain sentences until either they penetrated (for the nonce) or I decided my brain couldn't handle them. The audio format doesn't work well for this kind of material. Also I think there are formulae, not many, that can't be narrated, and illustrations. I really want Mrs. Who to show up with her skirt and an ant to explain it all to me.

almost but not entirely unlike

This morning it was -1. The building was not noticeably warmer today. Well, okay, it was, it was 65. That's the warmest we keep the house, and for the house that's fine because we wear fleece socks and cozy trousers and snuggly sweatshirts. For work it's not so fine, because we're not accustomed to it. Growing up, I wore corduroys and turtlenecks and wool sweaters at home and at school and in the library, and that was fine. At UConn, this was not so fine, because everything was overheated. I became accustomed to wearing two thin layers or one thicker layer. Today I wore tights, a thin wool skirt, a thin cashmere sweater. And my Dot Org fleece vest, one of those corporate give-aways, and my scarf, because it was cold. And my fingers froze off.

I scampered downstairs for mocha. The liquid the cocoa machine dispensed was almost, but not entirely, completely unlike cocoa. I tipped most of it out, added coffee, added half-and-half and a lot of sugar, alchemizing what I would drink from what was available.

I did all this mixing and whatnot in my new mug: we all have new thick plastic mugs with our names carved in the bottom. That makes sense, since we all have the same one. I didn't paint On Gnissapsert in nail polish on my incarnation of the previous ceramic giveaway, and who knows whose I have now.

But it was very sad. A plastic mug does not warm the hands as a ceramic one does, and that was the mocha's purpose.


40' elliptical in two 20' chunks, level 12, maximum incline, always with the arms, though no handweights. I think I prefer the handle-less machines.
Lat pulls, 3x16 @70
Seated row, 3x12 @60
Hammer iso front lat pull, 3x12 @45
Back extensions, 45 (I love these. I want a channel down my back.)
Hammer chest press, almost none
Cybex overhead press, 3x12 @25

almost but not entirely like

RDC was wrong about the bread, by the way. It didn't turn out wonderfully by any means; it didn't rise enough. Possibly I killed the yeast in the sponge; probably I didn't knead it well. But it is bread.

I ate it, because I knew I would. I made it, and I have the attitude toward my own creation that a previous boss had about Father's Day presents: "When your kid paints a rock and calls it a paperweight, then by golly, it's a paperweight!" (I had asked why he had a bare rock in his office. The child's poster paints had all worn off.)

The real proof that it is bread is that RDC ate it even when I wasn't there. Ha.