Thursday, 30 January 2003


Jessie did a great job making her Movable Type template look like the old Perpetual Motion, but for right now I'm just pleased to have figured out how to put the date before the month.
Also I attempted for about 2.4 seconds to come up with a Speaking Confidentially theme for the side matter. I realized that the Soundkeeper in The Phantom Tollbooth had a vault in which you could search for the spoken word, and then that was it for the cleverness.
Movable Type offers a comment option, which I removed. Remember that my email link used to say "Speak your mind"? That was from the days when I had the First Amendment on all of my pages, and then I kept it because it worked well with the Speaking Confidentially title. But that's ancien régime, O My Friends and Brothers. I don't like the comment feature, so no soup for you.
But I should add an email link. And shall, if I can figure out how.


Also that notify list sign-up thingie. I need that too. And to figure out how to make all entries for any given day chronological instead of reverse chronological, and always a separate page for each day. Baby steps.