Audio Listens Spring through Fall 1998

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treeMay 1998. Riding my bike to work. See you in the fall.

I trained myself to be able to read on the bus with only infrequent headaches. I'm debating: I can read faster than I can listen, but I can listen for more time than I can read: listening while walking means I trip less and I can listen from door to door instead of only while on the bus.

treeNicholas Sparks, The Notebook
Sweet. A love story and therefore nothing I would have chosen on its face, but a) I'll listen to almost anything George Guidall records and b) the novel is written well enough to sound well aloud. A passionate and touching account of true love and how one person refuses to give up on another--again and again
.Recorded Books Incorporated, narrated by George Guidall

tree Pearl S. Buck, The Good Earth
Superb. Complete as few novels are. Lyrical. As happens with audio books I simply fall in love with, yesterday I picked this up on paper from the library. I have four days off around New Year's Day and I didn't want to wait until Monday's bus ride to continue.
Recorded Books Incorporated, narrated by George Guidall

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Last modified 31 December 1998

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